
Are you ready to take your agency to the next level?

Teraspore is a fully managed WordPress hosting company that provides agencies with everything they need for running their business. We offer fast and reliable web hosting, 24/7 support, and access to all of the latest plugins. With our team of experts on hand, we can help you grow your agency by providing an affordable solution that doesn’t sacrifice quality or performance.


The Tech Stack
WordPress optimized LEMP stack, hosted on VPS’s from the best cloud infrastructure providers.
Free - 0 Downtime - Migrations

We will move your WordPress website from any web host to teraspore.

Themes and Plugins

We maintain agency licenses for some of the best WordPress plugins and themes


We’ll lock your site down, block the bad bots and scan for malware and file changes


Light-weight deduplicated back-ups. Sometimes insurance isn’t a scam


We proactively scan and repair your website. Don’t call us, we’ll call you.

Content Delivery Networks

Serve your images, videos and minified code over our CDNs for lightning fast websites, no matter where in the world your customers are visiting from

Transactional email - SMTP

Your website notifications go straight to spam?
We use a range of transactional email providers, so that doesn’t happen any more

Staging Sites

We know the rush of dropping tables on production sites!
But, if you’ve heard the story of Icarus, you probably want a staging site…

Managed Updates

We’ll take care of plugin, theme and core updates for you. We also visually check if the updates broke anything on your website and fix it!

Premium DNS

Don’t let your DNS be the weakest link. We use DNS Made Easy and Cloudflare for fast DNS queries and DDoS protection

Uptime Monitoring + Status Pages

Be the first to know if there is a problem on your website, don’t hear about it second hand from an angry client

Page Load Speed Optimization

We do image optimization, caching, minification, connect the CDN, and conduct plugin + theme performance reviews

Performance Monitoring

We monitor for broken links, assess page load speeds, scan for SEO errors, security vulnerabilities and code errors

Grow your business

Take advantage of the teraspore tech stack and say goodbye to your web hosting headaches.